فارسی عربي

iFilm English TV to air new series ‘Board of Directors’

New Iranian series ‘Board of Directors’ is to be aired by iFilm English TV.

New Iranian series ‘Board of Directors’ has been scheduled to be aired by iFilm English TV Channel.

Airing of the popular series, produced by Mehran Rasam and directed by Maziar Miri, will be started on Saturday, November 27, 2021.

‘Board of Directors’ tells the story of a group of neighbors who live in a building full of problems. That’s until a husband and wife rent one of the units.

The ambitious wife, Mitra, makes it her mission to resolve all the problems of the building and bring the neighbors closer to each other so they form a bond like an extended family.

Notable on the cast list are Kamand Amir-Soleymani, Amir-Reza Delavari, Elika Abdolrazzaqi, Hadis Miramini, Ehsan Karami, Leili Rashidi, Sorayya Qasemi, Masoud Keramati, Nahid Moslemi, Farid Sajjadi-Hosseini, Esmaeel Pourreza, Zahra Davoudnejad, Maryam Amir-Jalali, Siavash Tahmoures, Elham Pavehnejad, and Rahim Norouzi.

‘Board of Directors’, made in 2018, will replace ‘Little Engineer 2’, which will be aired daily at 19:00 GMT.

iFilm English will also repeat each episode of the drama on the next day at 03:00, 08:00 and 14:00 (all GMT times). The series is comprised of 35 episodes.

